Thinking resilience


Thinking about resilience, in all its forms and definitions, consist essentially to think about the amphibolic character of phenomena or situations that are triggering change (breaking) when at their tipping points. In scientific terms, it refers to a state of intermediacy where a metabolic process participates in both anabolic and catabolic pathways of an organism or system.

In general terms, the notion de resilience refers to our capacity to overcome or compose with adverse phenomena through our experience of the real and to explore the critical points of our relationship to the world. Life itself, nature and the very movement of all things. Resilience would therefore be that « kick inside », a vital process pushing us forward would have said Bergson. Life above all.

Minding life

Philosophy encompasses a wide range of thoughts, studies, researchs and practices that can shed light on the notion of resilience and the complexity of living systems. Some are known as cognitive science and consist of a set of features, data and calculations from constructed realities (reifications), while others are more concerned with phenomenological or perceptual aspects of nature and our experience of reality. Here, I think, first philosophy should be considered as the only true attempt and the only way to transcend the dualism between materialism and the spiritual on which the cognitive sciences and phenomenology are founded. For, it propose an intuitive and creative - ethical, non-representational and poetic - approach to « living in the world ».  Its poietic is inefable in essence, beyond reason and enliving the irrational. Entirely in action. Presence and absence. A sentiment and a self-giving to the unknown. Hundred passages to life that are opening up to the becoming of our being.

(in development)
